A Lesson in Power

How powerful is God? We know He created this world as well as worlds beyond anything we can ever hope to imagine (Jeremiah 10:12). And He did it with a word. We know that He raised Jesus from the dead and that the power of death means nothing to Him. Further, this...

God Works Through People Who Live for Him

Shortly after my father accepted Christ as his Savior, he entered the church to see a giant banner hanging over the podium. It read: “Are You A Tither?” My dad, a newborn in Christ, asked someone, “What is a tither?” He rhymed the word with “hither,”...

Multiplying Churches

We closed 2016 with an array of church planting meetings in several cities and we have entered 2017 with more meetings to encourage our church planters and pastors. The purpose of these events is to train church planters and to offer coaching and encouragement to...

Living A God-honoring Life

How can we live a more God-honoring life this year? This is a question I believe we should all ask ourselves. The key, I believe, is having the mind of Christ, or utilizing God’s wisdom in all elements of our lives. That raises another double-edged question: What can...

Organizing Your Life in this New Year

I like to listen to Christian financial planner Dave Ramsey on the radio. As a matter of fact, we recently hosted him at Thomas Road Baptist Church. He helps people get their financial houses in order, which is important. I think we also need to continuously focus on...

Closing Out the Year Strong

Is this ministry a blessing to you? Do you enjoy partnering with us in planting churches, training pastors and making new disciples? If so, would you prayerfully consider sending a special “Making Disciples Gift” to Thomas Road Worldwide by year’s end? All gifts will...