If so, would you prayerfully consider sending a special “Making Disciples Gift” to Thomas Road Worldwide by year’s end?
All gifts will go toward our goal of reaching One Million Disciples by 2025. This is a concerted plan, with our pastors, church planters and many congregations joining with us as we prayerfully work to reach people for Christ.
Through our pastoral training courses, we are figuring out together how to reach: the young people of our nation; young adults and singles; the forgotten and homeless; the elderly and affirmed. We want to take the love of Jesus everywhere so we can win people to Him.
We are not just training our pastors to be effective in the pulpit. We are training them to be men of compassion, prayer, action and grace. Our nation is in terrible shape and, with all my being, I believe that the only solution is a mass-planting of churches that have a heart for souls. My dad called this effort “saturation evangelism” and it is still how we are working.
God bless you and thank you so much for believing in me and partnering with me as we work to win the lost and train up a new generation of intrepid believers. Your gift will help us continue to make disciples that make disciples!
Your friend in Christ,
Jonathan Falwell