God Is In Control

Have you ever looked at the world around you and thought, “this seems totally out of control”? You know, no matter how “out of control” things may seem, God is always at work and is always in control. The Bible tells us just how involved He is with His creation in...

True Love

By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35).In this Bible verse, Jesus Himself tells His followers that the world will know them not because of what they say but because of what they do. Are you a reflection of...

God Knew You In The Womb!

In 1982 my father, Jerry Falwell, started the Liberty Godparent Home. The main reason is because he believed and understood God’s Word had laid down a different decision for unborn life than Roe V. Wade did in 1973. From the moment of conception God knows us! The...

We Cannot Bear Our Burdens Alone.

We, as believers, are afforded the unspeakable blessings of the Spirit of Christ. The Lord is intimately available to us as Father, Comforter, Encourager, Wisdom-Giver and Guide. You see, as believers, we have an amazing Power Source for our lives. There is no need to...

Rest For The Weary

In Acts chapter 16, Paul and Silas were serving the Lord, sharing the Gospel wherever they went. But when they cast out a demon from a young girl (which angered the men who made money from her predictions), they found themselves cast into jail. The easy thing would...

Jesus is Alive! Now What?

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was a world-changing event that transformed everything man thought he understood about death, salvation and eternity. After Jesus rose from the grave, people realized that the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets had come...