I often think back on June 21, 1956. That was the date of the first meeting of Thomas Road Baptist Church. My father was the young pastor and my mother was the pianist.

The church would move into an old Donald Duck Bottling Company building and within a year outgrow that facility. Historic growth occurred and the church has long been a standard bearer in reaching communities for Christ.

Through it all, I have seen God bless the church in amazing ways. I see His hand of blessing on our worldwide outreach too, as we continue our church planting and pastoral training agendas and many other crucial ministries.

Through it all, I saw my parents serve Christ with wisdom and grace. They impacted so many lives for the Kingdom and that’s what the Christian life is about.

Through it all, I have seen you, stand with us in prayer and financial support, bolstering our efforts to reach more and more people with the Gospel.

Sixty years now … and the work goes on.

I truly thank God for your loyal prayers, your dear friendship and your sacrificial support of this ministry which enables us to proclaim the Gospel across the globe!

Your friend in Christ,


Jonathan Falwell