Soon after my father passed away in May 2007, I wrote an article titled, “Are You Controversial?” In it, I noted how controversy followed dad, largely because he took a stand for Christ wherever he went. If we are speaking out for Christ, it is quite likely that we will be seen as controversial.

This does not mean we are to be confrontational or aggressive in communicating the Gospel. In fact, Jesus told us that, while in this dangerous world, we are to be as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). Even when we are behaving as Christ has called us to, we will often be defined as nuisances (or worse) because many want nothing to do with God. Remember that II Timothy 3:12 reminds us that when we are living lives in Christ, we will “suffer persecution,” so being seen as controversial comes with the territory.

We are seeing more examples of the Gospel being challenged across our land. It’s clear that Jesus is being increasingly reviled, yet we are called to confront this culture with His Gospel. In these times, we must have God’s Word lighting our way (Psalm 119:105) so that we remain effective witnesses.

My father used to say, “God did not call us to be popular; he called us to be faithful.” And that’s what we must be, no matter the cost. Luke 16:10 tells us this: “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much …” (NKJV). Being faithful to Christ may cost you, but your heavenly rewards will be great, so serve Him boldly.

Your friend in Christ,


Jonathan Falwell