I Corinthians 4:2 tells us this: “Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful” (NKJV).

As a pastor and leader of this ministry, this verse has encouraged me and motivated me to (1) be responsible in how we raise money to fund our ministries and (2) be responsible in how we apply that money to our ministries. If a man must be found faithful, certainly a ministry must be found faithful too.

Raising money for a Christian ministry should be a serious matter and we here — my team and I — take very seriously our duty to minister honestly, frugally and diligently with the support you entrust us with.

Anything less, I believe, would be an offense to God and to you.

With I Corinthians 4:2 constantly in mind, I can attest that my team and I are being good stewards with your support. We are being faithful in our ministry efforts and we are prayerfully doing what God has called us to do: reaching people with the Gospel.

I learned from my dad through the years that doing ministry is serious business and God expects our best all the time.

I want to assure you that we are very serious in what we are doing here at Thomas Road Worldwide. I think it is important from time to time to reiterate my steadfast commitment to work as you, our dear friends, would expect us to.

The fact is that we are laboring for the Lord because we know that one day time will be no more (John 9:4).

In I John chapter 2, we see that “the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” We understand that we must be about the business of proclaiming His Truth to a world that wants to create its own “truth.”

This is why we continue to plant New Testament churches and train pastors.

Over the past 30 years, we have planted more than 1,000 U.S.-based churches and 3,900 international churches through our supplementary ministry, the Liberty Church Network. Each of our churches is committed to starting outgrowth churches, exponentially multiplying the expansion of God’s kingdom.

Over the past months, we have highlighted dozens of our church plants so you can see all that is being done for Christ and the lives that are being changed. We are able to plant these churches and train new pastors because you care.

I believe new churches afford us the greatest opportunity of reaching the unchurched. That’s why our church plants are so involved in community outreach, organizing park cleanups, establishing food pantries, holding local children’s ministries and conducting door-to-door programs — all with a design on connecting with people who need Jesus.

As I recently reported, we have prayerfully announced a goal of reaching one million new disciples for Christ by 2025!

I am convinced that we can accomplish this goal, through prayer and hard work. I believe God has laid this burden for souls on our hearts and we are working in total belief that we will see one million souls come to salvation through Jesus Christ in the next nine years.

Further, after we win souls to Christ, we are able to disciple them and give them a solid Biblical foundation through our churches. I believe this is a sound plan that can have a powerful impact on our cities. We are seeing the beginnings of this impact even now.

In fact, just a few days ago, my friend Jimmy Carroll and I spoke at Destiny Church in Leesburg, Virginia, building relationships with pastors and others who share the mandate of the Great Commission. Our church plants are very excited about this one-million-saved goal and we are working together to reach people for Christ — all for His glory!

In global terms, our Jerry Falwell Center for Ministry Training in Guatemala is having an impact on that nation and neighboring countries. There is a zeal beyond anything I can effectively describe among the young pastors we are training there. New churches are being launched, neighborhood Bible studies are reaching children, and, most importantly, people are being saved, lives are being changed and families are being restored.

As you know, we are now actively planting churches in India, Kenya, Haiti and an unnamed Middle Eastern nation. We have seen witch doctors saved and their lives totally transformed. We have seen people involved in false religions turn to Jesus and find real Truth.

Further, our broadcast ministry continues to thrive and our new HopeNow Network (www.HopeNow.TV) has become very important to our evangelistic efforts.

It is a joy partnering with you in these various ministries, my friends. It is such an encouragement to know that you have partnered with us to reach people for Christ.

Through your prayer and support of this ministry, you are having an impact on eternity.

This month, I want to ask that you prayerfully consider a SPECIAL GIFT as we carry on with our plan to see one million souls come to Christ by 2025. This is not a contest, but a solemn course of action to win souls and impact our nation and our world for Him!

Please keep us in your fervent prayers. In fact, I have a question for you: Will you pray with us that we will win ONE MILLION SOULS in the next nine years? I need your prayers. My team needs your prayers. And our pastors and trainers worldwide need your prayers as we carry on this God-inspired dream. I’m so glad you have partnered with us, my friends!

Your friend in Christ,


Jonathan Falwell